Monday, April 13, 2009

Belachew Girma: World's King of Laughter

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, April 11, 2009 ( -- When Belachew Girma walks into a room, you have no choice but laugh. When he laughs, it is infectious and impossible not to join him. To this fellow, laughter is no mere laughter, it is a serious business. Meet the world’s king of laughter, Belachew Girma of Ethiopia and the Guinness World Record holder for the longest non-stop laughter. At the 14th World Genius Impossibility Challenger Competition held last year, he broke world record and his own by laughing non-stop for 3 hours and 6 minutes.

Belachew Girma was born in Ethiopia in the Southern regional State of Kembata Alaba and Tembaro. He has been entertaining people locally and internationally since 2002G.C. He impressed many people with his talent and he is now in Guinness Book of World Records.

Sindu Alemu of Ezega News sat down with Belachew Girma recently at the Pan Roma Hotel and asked him about his skill, his work, and his life. Here follows the full interview with Belachew Girma.

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